Friday, April 25, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ H is for Honey


So I have recently made a few diet/lifestyle changes.  One of them (and the biggest change) is that I have quit drinking coffee on weekdays, switching to tea instead.  The coffee creamer I would go through was almost embarrassing.  So now coffee is only a weekend treat... and I've lost seven pounds.  :)  Now I have never been a tea person and thought the transition would be difficult.  I was wrong.  There are so many yummy flavors of caffeinated tea it was an easy switch, with no creamer and a new appreciation of honey.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ G is for Gravy

Yes, I choose to write about gravy today.  One topic I can't say anything bad about.  I came to the conclusion one day that gravy was the perfect "comfort condiment".  I noticed most of my favorite comfort foods involve gravy, however gravy itself is not a comfort food alone, thus making it a condiment.  lol  

Damn now I want biscuits and gravy....  

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ F is for Frog


I am generally apathetic when it comes to frogs in general.   I don't think they're gross but I'm not a fan either.  I will however state that the little tree frogs are adorable.  I have lived in a couple different places where they were prominent.

When I was a child we had a problem with them coming up the drain and into our laundry room.  I never understood why they were there, but to my young eyes it was very cool.  The other residence I can remember was fairly close to where I live now.  We would find the frogs in the front flower garden.  Always so tiny and cute, the girls all got to play with them too.  Dang... that was a long time ago...