It seems that I have always had at least one cat as part of my family. I really can't even think back in childhood and there was always a feline present. Our house was always adopted by the neighborhood strays and at least one would stay.
I'm not going to bore you with details of all my kitty loves, but you will (if you continue reading at this point), hear about some of the best.
Growing up we had Garbage. He was a beautiful long hair grey tabby I believe. He adopted us and he was awesome. The other memorable cat growing up was Worthless. Yes, my parents had a knack for names lol. But Worthless was part of the family. He was a handsome Tuxedo kitty who loved my mother fiercely I know how hard it was when he got so old she had to put him down. I dread that day with my own Lola.
After leaving home again I had several cats, Charlie, who would fetch sticks, Riff-Raff, who was just awesome in general, GB, who loved to take showers. He was a silly one! The bathroom door in my apt wouldn't shut tight so he could always get in, no matter who was in the water. I think he scared a couple guests lol. Pepper was one of my most treasured pets. He was Maine coon and beautiful. He was huge and ruled any neighborhood we were in. Unfortunately he got into antifreeze and I lost him. He was a huge part of our family, and I think Lenee's favorite.
Skipping forward many years, and quite a few cats later I had the one special kitty that for whatever reason he was meant to be mine. The picture above is my Puppycat. Yes, I named my kitten Puppy. Puppy had a funny tail that curled up around his body like a pug dog instead of a cat. Also he would greet you by licking your nose. He was sooooo wonderful. Kind of my kitty soul mate. <3 He was an indoor outdoor cat and one heck of a bird catcher. He brought us 3 in a 4 day time frame. Sadly he was hit by a car. I cried for a long time after losing him.
That is how Lola and Gizmo came into my life. Again see pic above. They were strays found in a friends garage and maybe 5 weeks old. Gizmo had a stroke, and congestive heart failure last March, 4 months before his 3rd birthday. I still have my Lola. She is a tuxedo goddess, spoiled rotten and knows it. She actually seems much happier now that she is the only cat. I need to get her fixed still, but there are no boy cats to get her anymore. lol
I cant imagine life without a cat in it. Living alone Lola is my best friend and confidante. She knows when I need a snuggle and hates it when I'm sick or crying. She isn't the nicest kitty to anyone else but she loves me and I love her!!
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