** For those new to my writing, I try to do a "coffee break" post at least once a week. This is the post where I ramble about myself and what might be new. I realized its been since the end of November so...
Christmas this year was wonderful. I spent it with The Grady's and Lily was there also. Liam did NOT want to go to sleep Christmas eve, so Christmas day the adults opened presents first and we woke him up around noon for his goodies. This way was he was also the center of attention which he loved dearly! His favorite gifts were an orange ball, and a Scout toy. I love being around him so often and watching him learn and grow. He loves his Nana too!
We will be doing Christmas with Collin this coming weekend. I am excited (as always) to see him. He seems to have recognition of me also. I love his family and always look forward to seeing them as well.
I have let myself get lazy again when it comes to working out. I need to get back into the good habits, not just slip back into the bad ones. I am getting the determination back, and will try again tomorrow. Yesterday I did 30 min on the treadmill but that's not enough! I have a personal goal for Jan 1st, I'm not going to go into it, but I will tell you if accomplished. :) I'm pretty confident though.
Still no word from Dana. We did get confirmation that she is, or was, in Portland bc she had the hospital send bills to my fathers address. They sent it back, just as I have done, return to sender, not at this address. It's sad the hole she has put herself into. As a mother I worry, but I gave her the right tools, she made the choices she has on her own.
I have been episode free from my CVS for 16 weeks now!! My last episode was September 7th. I can't remember the last time I made it through both Thanksgiving and Christmas!! I am so thankful for my Dr and the meds he has me on. I've not been totally symptom free, but with meds I was able to prevent several small flare ups. I'm ok with that! I am happy NOT to have to go to the er!!
It makes me wonder if now I could hold a job. God knows I want to. I think I'm gonna start looking a little harder than I have been, confident that I won't get sick. If I do, then we know I truly can't work. We'll see how this turns out!!
Ok lovies, the sleepys are finally taking over so with that I bid you all goodnight!
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