Thursday, May 31, 2012


So I often see banana peels on the sidewalk and it always makes me smile.  Has anyone truly ever slipped on a banana peel while walking down the walk.  Why weren't they aware enough of their surroundings to slip on it in the first place??  These are some of things I ponder...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

I don't have much to say...

Yeah, I know I don't blog as often as I used too, but things are pretty boring around here for the most part.

I still can say that I love my new Dr.!  We have changed up the med regiment a little bit, and added one for exercising.  I have had one episode since I last blogged, ended up in the ER again... twice.  I told them that it wasn't over when they sent me home and sure enough as soon as the meds were out of my system I was right back where I started but a hair bit worse.  Ugh!  The second trip was more successful.  I was still sick for two more days but it was manageable.  Thats all I want!  If I can stay out of the er, and just get sick and better at home, I am all for it!

I am still walking and stretching / toning almost daily.  I have lost 25lbs since November.  15 of that is just since Feb.  I am a bit OCD in things, and with that is I am a list maker.  My first walk was Feb 16 and I only went 1.09 miles.  Now my average is 6 miles :)

I've seen some odd things on my walks.  The amount of abandoned shopping carts in one particular area is multiplying.  Another area I walk through has a large amount of "No Trespassing" signs.  Its not a "bad area of town" so why would those 2 blocks be so paranoid??  The most strangely disturbing thing I have seen was a dead Robin.  Now its not a dead bird that freaked me out... it was the childs glove that lay next to it... creepy!! On the happier side of things I have found 7 four leafed clovers.  I dont really "look" for them but if I stop for a drink of water I will look down, also I look down when I walk generally so if it jumps out at me that quickly it was meant for me! lol  I still however have not found one in anothers yard.  I did once but left it there bc I didn't want to go in their yard. lol

On that note, I have already done my stretching and my phone is finally charged so I am off for my walk.  I love having both Pandora and Map My Fitness on my phone. :)  It makes me smile that my jeans are loose enough that I can carry a bottle of water in my front pocket.