Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ Y is for Yardwork


I have never liked doing yardwork.  Even as a child I would prefer to wash dishes than weed the garden.  I look at all the beautiful fall leaves, and am so thankful that I don't have to worry about such things.  When I eventually do move it will be to an apt so yardwork still won't be my problem.

There is one exception and that is I loved having a nice flower garden in the front yard.  That was always a nice sight.   Seems like forever ago!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ W is for Whistle / Whistling


Ok, confession time... I at the prime age of 43 still cannot whistle.  I know it seems like such a simple thing, but for whatever reason, my mouth doesn't work that way! lol  I have tried the screeching whistle through the fingers, and couldn't do that either.  No need to offer to teach, its been done.  I just accept that fact, that I can't whistle  :)  Now you know one of my little secrets hahaha

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ V is for Vapor


I am trying the e-cig again.  I have one that I had used in the past but I had 2 major complaints about and why it was so hard to stick with it.  First, with the oil, sometimes it would leak and get on my lips and it was gross, Second complaint, you had to push a button to smoke, thereby not seeming like a real replacement.  Well both of those things can be found in the Blu e-cig.  Its light, activated by taking a drag, so it feels like smoking.  But its still vapor, not smoke.  I'm using it mostly as a tool to cut down on smoking and that is working well.  I often would chain smoke, or let a ciggerette just burn as I got distracted, now I time my "smoke breaks" with 2 hrs between, however it has now been over 3 hrs and I still haven't had the need for a "real" ciggerette so I think thats a good thing.  Who knows, maybe this will work.  :)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Daily Prompt... U is for Unable


Sadly this is a word I am too familiar with, and it is my own doing.  I am trying to break this rut, trying to be social etc.  In small doses I am doing better.  Kinda...   Even when out with friends I am still fighting that anxiety that builds.  I feel so unable to control my thoughts, emotions and self.  Just lost...

Friday, October 4, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ T is for tree


I don't have a lot of childhood memories, but a large consistency of those I do have involve a park across the street and climbing trees in general.  I loved climbing trees, usually with book in pocket.  I would sit in my perch, fairly high up, and just enjoy the solitude.  I felt like it was my own secret safe spot.  Luckily I never fell out lol

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ S is for Sassy


I must admit to being called sassy more than once in my life, but my attitude and mouth control has grown up as I have.  Sometimes a smart ass comment will still escape but thats what makes life more interesting!

When I was 15, almost 16, I was in my first foster home.  It was a new, slightly terrifying experience but again I did what I had been taught about survival skills and made the most of it.  There I was allowed my first true pet.  I had had other pets but they were family cats and never "mine".  I was allowed a kitten, and found an adorable long hair tuxedo baby girl that I named Sassy.  It was cool having an animal that loved me back, especially in that time when I felt like I had no one.  Sadly not knowing anything about the Foster care system, I was moved fairly quickly and the new foster parents would not allow me to bring a cat.  I found a good home for her, but still remember her as MY first pet.  Ironically many years later the girl that I had given her too came into the restaurant I was working at and remembered me.  She actually had pics of Sassy with her and she had grown into a beautiful adult cat.  I was glad I made the right choice.

I have had many cats since then.  Only a few made have made the special place in my heart, above and beyond the normal love of a pet.  Sassy of course bc she was the first pet who was mine and loved me, Riff, just bc he was awesome, Pepper whom we had for years and was just a great family cat, I think he was mostly Lenee's cat as he grew, they had a special bond.  The last few pussycats on my list are Puppy and of course Gizmo and Lola.  Puppy picked me.  I still get a little sad when I think of him and miss him terribly.  He was so sweet and so smart.  He loved to lick your nose to say hello.  So sweet.    Gizmo and Lola were given to Mike and I after Puppy was hit by a car.  When Mike and I broke up, I got custody of the cats.  We didn't want to seperate them as they were brother and sister and had never been apart.  Last year I came home to find Gizzy paralyzed from the groin down.  I (of course) freaked out and got him to a vet within 10 min.  Sadly he had congestive heart failure and it was a blood clot that had traveled and paralyzed him.  I said a very tearful goodbye and had him put down 3-16-12.  Now I just have Lola.  She is bi-polar, scratched almost everyone at least once but is becoming more and more of a lovie cat.  I think she likes it being just her and I.  She really has become nicer to everyone now that its just her.  She has a basket full of toys and her own  little kitty tower, scratching post.   With just a look I know when she wants a hug or some other form of attention.  At night, no matter where she is, as soon as the light is off she jumps on the bed to tell me goodnight.  I love her!!

Thursday morning coffee break...

Oh the chill is definitely in the air, welcome fall!  Even in this chilly weather I still like to have my window at least cracked for the fresh air. Brrr, but thats what a sweater is for lol :)

Sadly not a lot going on in my little world.  Still fighting for SSI and trying to survive.   I think that we are on the right track for the meds as I am feeling a little better.  I still have trouble leaving the house, but getting better.  I wish my friends understood why its hard for me.  But I guess the loneliness is all part of illness.  It just sucks!

So recently Dana gave us quite the scare.  We, as a family, know about Dana's issues and adding drug use to that makes her even less trustworthy and more to fear.  On Sept 11th two detectives came to my door looking for her.  They were unaware that I was her mother, so I am glad they found me.  They were concerned bc she was a "missing witness" in a key case in Pend 'Oreille county. They needed her testimony to keep a baddie in jail.  She was not located by the 19th so the charges were dismissed, but still no Dana.  At that time she went from "missing witness" to "missing person".   I learned very quickly that when a witness is missing they go all out looking, however missing persons are just another name on the pile.  Its up to family and friends to find a missing adult.  Thank goodness for the power of the internet.  Her pic was shared over 3000 times on facebook within the first 24 hours.  By the end of the weekend she called crime check herself, tweaked out from what it sounds like, and told them she was not missing and to leave her alone. My heart breaks that she has made these choices, but I've done all I can do for her.

As for the rest of us, things are well.  Both Liam and Collin are now 2.  We had wonderful parties for them both.  Collin is with such a wonderful family.  I love them, and couldn't wish for anything better from him.  Liams party was quite fun.  Its nice to see Lenee have such a wonderful family of her own!!

Not really much else to visit about.  I have a very boring existence....  as I keep reminding ya'll  :)  Romance is non-existant, but I am understanding about that, hell, I wouldn't even want to date me.  lol  I was told once that some people are just meant to be alone, they don't have that "sparkle" to share with another.  A nice way of saying, you are destined to a life with cats.

I am planning on being somewhat social this weekend, and there will be pics as proof.  lol  Tomorrow should be another horror movie night with friends, of course at my place, which is nice.  Saturday I am doing something I am quite excited about.  Ive always wanted to do a pub crawl, but have never had the opportunity.  Saturday my friends bought me a ticket for Spokane's first Zombie crawl.  Dressed in our best zombie gear, there are 8 bars and t shirt at the end.  It should be a whole lot of fun!  Im excited to be part of it, and grateful to have such good friends to treat me to such an event!

Well, coffee is empty so thats my cue... hope all is well!  Also thank you for reading my little blurbs of nothingness.   :)