Monday, December 30, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ Y is for Year


This seemed to be quite the fitting word as the end of 2013 is upon us.  In the looking back, this has not been the best of years for me, nor do I see 2014 being much better.  Im not saying it was all bad.  I made some new friends, tried some new things and tried to be a better person.  Getting the process started with SSI is a huge step, and hopefully 2014 will see an approval.  Still fighting CVS but in compared to past years, this one was minimal, I believe its bc of the meds.  Im just happy they are farther apart!

As for the coming year...  I don't know what it holds, but as I am living in a current grey state of mind, I don't see any changes ahead.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ W is for Whiskers


I used to call my kitty Gizmo "Mr Whiskers" bc he had the longest whiskers I had seen on a cat.  I think he knew it and used it to his advantage as he would often tickle me as he walked by.  Silly thing, lol  I miss him...   I think Miss Lola has the average whiskers, nothing too fly away and a reasonable length.

As far as facial hair, or whiskers, on a man is another story.  I don't mind facial hair as long as its still groomed and decent length.  Some long beards and such just look to scruffy and dirty.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ V is for Venom


I have been lucky in my 43 years of never truly coming across anything to venomous such as spiders or snakes.  Certainly not that I am complaining, I'm not a fan of the creepy crawlies.  The most common venomous creatures I encounter are people.  I don't understand how some people can be so cruel, heartless and just plain mean to others.... and seem to enjoy it.  I pity them, yet I am usually the one with the hurt feelings.  Sigh...

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ U is for Umbrella


When I was working I used to always have my umbrella in my work  bag,  now I carry it in my walking bag.  Silly part is that I rarely use it.  I don't mind getting wet, and if its not to cold I love being out in it.  The smell of rain in the air, and the colors all refreshed or just a different hue, it can be lovely!!

When working, I actually met people as I would be the only smoker in the rain with an umbrella.  It can get pretty cozy lol.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ T is for Touch


The power of touch can be an amazing thing.  It is well known that babies, especially the premature, benefit greatly from a mothers touch.  A kind pat on the shoulder can lift spirits, and a hug can make an entire day better.  And of course there is a lovers touch.  That chemistry that even a slightest brush against them makes you catch your breath and feel the tingles.   Sigh....  I miss that...

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ S is for Success


Sadly this is not a word I am too familiar with, especially lately.  There is not much that I would say that I have ever been "successful" at.  My brother and sister did things right.  They went to college, fell in love, got married and live the normal happy life.  I am the cliche disappointment.  I am unable to work, live in a rented basement room, terrifically undateable and horribly lonely.  Not anything successfull about that....

*** yes I am in a mood, thats the best thing about this being my blog, I can be!  I know Im not the only one who has these thoughts....  its proven almost daily....

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ R is for Regret


I always try to live with no regrets.  I will admit, now that I am older, that I do have a few.  But as "Old blue eyes" would say, still too few to mention.  Even still, everything I have done, or chosen to do, has been a life lesson, good or bad.  If you have lived life without the slightest what if? or why? you have nothing to regret, bc you haven't truly been living.  You have to take those chances, if all goes bad, no regrets... again just a life lesson.

Yes I know this probably sounds silly coming from the woman whose anxiety levels hit a point where I rarely leave the house....  but when I do get out I'm always glad!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ Q is for Quiet


I love music.  90% of the time, that is the background noise to my life.  However, sometimes there is nothing sweeter than the sound of silence.  I used to work at 4am, the hours were difficult but it was always so quiet and peaceful in the morning while the rest of the world slept.  Years ago, when it was safer to do so, I used to take late night walks and enjoy the serenity of the night.  Now, thats not even an option.  I hate that the world has changed so its not safe to walk at night.  Now I tend to find quiet serenity in hiding in my room, and occasionally enjoying the quiet of being in my space.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ P is for Photo


I have always loved pictures!  I have just recently started creating some photo albums to enjoy.   With the age of digital media, all my photos are on my pc.  I recently thought about it and for .13 cents a print are finally sending them to Fred Meyer to print them out.  I decided it was important to me to have the physical copies as opposed to digital, reason being, generations from now technology will be so different the only chance of future generations seeing the family pics is to have "paper" copies.  I am up to 2010, but lots and lots to go.  I also have a box of loose photos that desperately need to go into photo boxes.  There is not enough info to place them correctly in an album.  Its a big project, but one I am happy to do.  I love seeing the photos of friends. loved ones and even past loved ones.  Basically to end this rant, if I know you, and have camera in your direction... consider it an honor  :)  You are a memory to be saved  <3

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ O is for Orchestra


I, like many children played the violin when I was in elementary school.  I don't know why I quit playing, as it was something I enjoyed.  I assume it had something to do with being to disciplined, oh how I hated to practice.  While I don't, as an adult regret that I didn't continue playing, I do regret that I did not retain the ability to read music.

I actually am still friends with some of "those kids" from orchestra many a moon ago  :)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ N is for Nap


Naps are highly underrated!  I love naps!  Its funny how as a child, naptime is the worst thing.  Oh how my kids hated nap time, but as a parent, you know they need it.  I think a big step in growing up is the want and desire for a nap.  I guess you just have to be older to appreciate them! lol

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ M is for Mouse

Mouse / Mice / Mousies :)

So as life has gone, I really have very little experience with mice.  Most encounters were bc they were being fed to something, but nothing I ever saw to make me afraid of them.  When I worked at 7-11 the store had mice, and occasionally on a bathroom break they would make an appearance to say hello.

Mostly I deal with Mousies. Those are Lolas favorite kitty toy.  Lola has a basket, yes a basket, full of cat toys and her little mousies are by far favored, and constantly getting lost.  I now do "inventory" twice a day and get all the mousies accounted for and back in the basket.  She also really digs the catnip fishies that make crinkle noises.  She rubs up on those lol  Im still unsure what toys Santa Paws will be bringing her this year but I am suspecting another multi pack of her favorite mousies.  I saw them in a 12 pack  :)  Aww I love my kitty!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Daily Prompt ~ L is for List


I am a habitual daily list maker.  I don't know why, maybe its the crossing off part.  I make a daily to do list, and try to include everything down to doing my nails.  It was suggested, and tried, that I get a dry erase board for my daily list as it doesn't change much.  I got the board, used it for about a week, and then needed the pen and paper version.  lol.  I also have notebooks of lists.  A perfect example would be these prompts.  I have lists by letter and when one is picked I highlight and date it.  Pages and pages...  But I like my lists and notebooks  :)