Friday, February 28, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ Z is for Zodiac


So I just recently learned about the "new zodiac" 13th sign.  I know, I'm way behind.  However, I have to say even though my sign changed, I dont share the traits.  I have always been a Taurus and now I am supposed to be an Aires.  Hmmm...  Maybe I just need to research more.  Is anyone an Ophiuchus?  Does it seem more fitting?  Any different being a whole different, brand new sign?  I would love opinions on this.  The "new zodiac" calender is this

The New Dates:

Capricorn: Jan. 20 - Feb. 16
Aquarius: Feb. 16 - March 11
Pisces: March 11- April 18
Aries: April 18 - May 13
Taurus: May 13 - June 21
Gemini: June 21 - July 20
Cancer: July 20 - Aug. 10
Leo: Aug. 10 - Sept. 16
Virgo: Sept. 16 - Oct. 30
Libra: Oct. 30 - Nov. 23
Scorpio: Nov. 23 - Nov. 29
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29 - Dec. 17
Sagittarius: Dec. 17 - Jan. 20

So, whats your sign?

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ Y is for Yacht


Honestly I have never seen a yacht, and probably never will in my reality.  I have seen them on television (of course) but they just seem like a big boat, pretty, but still just a boat.  What am I missing?

Monday, February 24, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ W is for Walk


Before depression took over my life, I was walking several miles a day, and really on with my weight loss journey.  Unfortunately, I lost my stride and am getting it back.  I used to really enjoy the Sunday walk group, but also unfortunately I feel a little bullied out of the group, which sucks!  I am doing a daily workout but not a lot of cardio, but have informed (yes informed, not asked or suggested) Amity that she and I will start walking again on March 1st.  I gave her a month to prepare and personally I'm a little excited to get back into it!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ V is for Vitamins


I know that I don't eat properly so taking a daily vitamin is always a good idea.  I can tell the difference in the way I feel if I run out of vitamins for a while.  I dont have the same energy and just generally feel different.  I used to take a few different supplements as well but budgeting has cut out all but the basic essential daily vite.  I used  to always forget to take them.  Now with all my other meds, I just put one in the AM section each day and know I don't have to worry about it.

Boring today...  I know.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ U is for Upstairs


As I rent a room in the basement there is a running joke about how they only see me upstairs to use the bathroom or I'm leaving.  Actually that really is pretty accurate.  As mentioned before I am pretty reclusive.  Lately there are so many people in this house that arguments are happening more frequently.  I dont like that kind of stress and negativity so I will put on headphones and lock my door.  I have a nice loud music session and miss all the shouting.  Its the safest way to stay out of all the drama.  I hear nothing, I know nothing and will not take sides.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ T is for Tomorrow


Tomorrow is Saturday the 22nd day of February, to me this holds no no particular meaning except it is the birthdate of several friends.  My plans for tomorrow include laundry and nails.  There are of course lots of other things that I plan to do... but can always be put off until the next tomorrow.  Because of course tomorrow only exists in our plans, by the time its time... its today.  :)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ S is for Sidewalk


I often find it a shame how the sidewalks in Spokane are for the most part NOT taken care of.   They are so cracked and uneven.  When walking, I would try to stay on sidewalk but more often was pushed into the street anyhow.  There was a particular house I used to walk by that had a nice clear sidewalk, but prickly roses that hung so far over you had to step in the street to get around them.  I think thats just rude and lazy.  Another pet peeve is snow.  If you have a sidewalk in front of your house, it is your job to shovel and keep it safe.  Its dangerous to try to walk anywhere in the snow.  Ok.... rant over!  :)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ R is for Recluse


I will be the first to admit that I am very much reclusive.  I like my quiet.  I like my space, calm, drama free and just comfortable.  I like having friends over, so not a total hermit, but again I so enjoy my space, solitude and not having to put on "a mask" that everything is peachy.   There is so much pressure in "the outside world" that often times I just can't handle it.  The down side is by enjoying a reclusive lifestyle it does get lonely at times.  But I've gotten used to it mostly and am so thankful for my real friends that understand and come see me!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ Q is for Quilt


I never truly learned how to quilt.  I've seen some that are so intricate and beautiful it astounds me.  I think I know some of the basics but for whatever reason it was an interest never followed up on.  I enjoyed crocheting many moons ago, but have forgotten that too.  I think I need to relearn them as I try to find new hobbies to keep myself busy...   :)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ P is for Perky


There was a time where I was always described as perky, and it was true.  It was the persona that worked best in social or work situations.  Especially when I was waiting tables.  I was a good server, but always in the casual coffee shop, I don't think my personality would have fit fine dining.

Now, I'm just boring.  Sadly there is not much perk left in me.  I know most of that is the depression and agoraphobia but it has changed even the ability to put on such persona...  and most of my "friends" didn't like the real me.  They just disappeared.  Sigh....

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ O is for Oatmeal


I love oatmeal, both old school stove top and easy add water pouches.  Oatmeal was often the breakfast of choice for the family... except Lily who would not even try it.  Lily was a very picky eater and often times we would have to be creative to get her to eat.  I think it was her dads idea, but one morning he asked if she would like some porridge like the three bears eat.  She gobbled up her oatmeal (porridge) and loved it.  Funny how with just a different terminology we were able to get her to try, and like something new.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ N is for (what else) Nail Polish!

Nail Polish

If you know me, then you know my love (addiction?) of nail polish.  I bit my nails until I was in my late 30s and now am almost the polar opposite with the appearance of my nails.  I try to keep them perfectly shaped, long and always painted pretty.  Also there are always rhinestones either on middle finger or pinky.  Today I painted them candy apple (Valentine) red with gold hearts on the middle finger.

Im afraid to count, and so I wont, but we can safely say I have 3 ice cream buckets full of different colors.  I tend to gravitate to the chameleon colors that change, pinks and blues.  :)  Just recently I received some nail art type bottles in black, white and blue.  They are great for stripes.  I also have a small brush is which to use for any color.

Now if only I could paint others nails as well as my own...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ M is for Morning


I have to admit it, I am a morning person.  Granted I love sleep, but I prefer going to bed earlier so I can be up at a good hour.  My body clock seems to have chosen 8ish to be the most proper awake time.  I wake up with more energy, and perseverance that wears off as the day progresses.  So for me, getting my cleaning done and out of the way first, makes the rest of the day better.  :)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ L is for Lost


I have gotten myself a couple times but I am very thankful for the power of mapquest and navigation on phone.  Really nothing too major or important lol.

Now feeling lost, thats a whole different story.  I feel lost daily.  I am wandering alone, towards nothing.  You kind of get used to it...

Friday, February 7, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ K is for Kettle


Having a tea kettle was always a must have when I had my own kitchen.  Even recently I missed it.  I don't notice it much, I guess, unless I want tea. That usually happens when I'm sick.  That said, I have already discovered and been spoiled by the electric tea kettles and plan on purchasing one.  They are awesome!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ J is for Jingle


I love the sound of wind chimes.  I know they don't really jingle, but close enough!  Now that I rent a room as opposed to a real apartment, I had to get creative with the two chimes I have.  One is hanging in my "kitchen area" from a nail in the unfinished ceiling, while the other is smack in the middle of the room hanging down from a light shade over the ceiling light.  I run into it at least once daily.  I know its there, but sometimes just don't wanna duck. lol

Many Christmas's ago I was given a chime ball as a gift.  Its a small, beautifully colored ball but has chimes inside, yet it is a necklace.  Liam loves it when I wear it to babysit.  He loves the "music ball" and will shake it so he can hear them too.  There is just something calming about the sound...

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ I is for Illustration


First and foremost, I am NOT an illustrator by any imagination.  Sadly drawing in general is not one of my gifts.  Even my doodles are boring!  I have such admiration for all artists!

In my personal treasures I have an illustrated copy of "Little Women" that was given to me Christmas of 1975.  Yes I was 5 but I loved the book.  This particular copy was printed in 1970, same year I was born, and holding up well.  I haven't seen another illustrated copy anywhere, thats why mine is so treasured and special. <3

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ H is for Handbag


I love purses and handbags!  I have it controlled, but I always can find a purse to love, just not take home.  I'm not worried about name brands or any of that stuff, but just something that catches my eyes.  Of course with the fun of a new bag, often comes the accessories, new wallets are just as fun!  I like to match, but need lots of pockets.  :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Daily Prompt ~ G is for Game

Game (lets make it easy today)

So the "big game" just ended and being from Washington Im glad the Seahawks won, however growing up in a Bronco household, I was still hopeful.

I don't watch a lot of televised sports, football definitely included, but there is something just more "fun" about the super bowl.  I must admit that I've loved all the jokes about Washington and Colorado being legal weed states.  This year was mellow for me, no parties or anything.  I had the game on while doing other things, laundry, chores, just fussing about and keeping eye on tv.  Now the tv is off bc I don't really care enough for the after show!

To all Seahawk fans... WOOOOOOOT!!  Sorry Denver....  Sorry dad, I know you've been probably yelling at the tv for hours!